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Mitsuba´s new dipowder metalgital & advanced powder coating system is designed to specially suit new generation requirement。 Its unique remote controlled & digital screen touch programmed with 99 different functions for exact repeatability and winning performance。 It also displays powder flow in gm/minute, time taken and powder consumed in the coating cycle。

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防火塗料的塗裝,是用不同防火漆的施工方法、工具和設備將塗料均勻地塗覆在 被保護物表面。塗裝的質量直接影響塗膜的質量。針對不同的被保護物和不同的防火塗料應該采用適宜的塗裝方法和設備,獲得最佳的塗膜質量。所以要根據基材的不同選用不同的塗料和施工工藝,方能獲得最佳的效果。

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根據調查發現,全球企業共雲端視訊計 六、七千萬個會議室,卻僅有5%擁有進行視訊會議的功能!在企業全球化浪潮下,因應日益攀升的企業整合視訊會議市場需求,羅技電子將在6/12於六福皇宮 舉辦企業高畫質視訊會議應用說明會,提出視訊會議解決方案(Unified Communications,簡稱UC),除了介紹UC產品內容及其應用分析,更可現場體驗本項解決方案的效能,同時祭出專案價。

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Are you the one die casting machinewho wants to know more about Die casting? If yes, then this article would offer you some great help in regard toMulti slider die casting machine this topic。 Die casting is a popular method which has been used bydie casting machine manufacturers in various industries。 The casting materials were first manufactured in 1838 and since then they have become really popular around the world。 The below mentioned article will offer you complete information on casting。 Make sure you pay proper attention towards the information given below。

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Building the strBox PCength of the internal Industrial Base capabilities and capacity to meet future Security and Economic needs of the UAE

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